Tiger Motors Lab hosts GE Aviation training session
Published: Mar 3, 2022 12:00 PM
By Carla Nelson
The Industrial and Systems Engineering Department’s Tiger Motors Lab, commonly referred to as the “Lego Lab,” recently hosted a two-day Lean Systems training course for GE Aviation to assist in improving the company’s operation by focusing on Lean Systems implementation.
The training, which took place Feb. 3-4, is part of an annual process improvement grant which involves both classroom and hands-on activities in the lab.
“We are assisting GE by placing a graduate student within their operations three days per week, advising on approach and training their organization,” said Tom Devall, director of Tiger Motors Lab and auto manufacturing initiatives for the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. “Lean activities in the lab included Standardized Work, Just In Time material flow, Error Proofing strategy, Cellular Manufacturing, Continuous Improvement and 5S.”
Activities throughout the training included a Current State Value Stream Mapping lecture and activity, a Manufacturing Cells demonstration, a Jidoka Run and discussion and more. Teaching assistants involved in the training included Victoria Ballard, Oladipupo Olutade, Abdallah Alakayleh, Monir Hossain and Ali Aldubaisi.
Aaron Woods, GE Aviation projects and initiatives leader, said the training was a great offsite hands-on educational opportunity for the company’s leadership team. He added that the most informative aspect of the training was learning more about how Toyota emphasizes respect for their associates doing the work, removing obstacles that impede part flow and focusing on reducing lead time.
“I would highly recommend this training to other companies looking to introduce their teams to Lean principles,” he said. “Each member of our leadership team had the opportunity to understand how Lean principles are able to be incorporated into each of their daily roles and responsibilities and how important robust systems are to creating information and part flow.”
Learn more about Tiger Motors Lab here!
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Activities throughout the training included a Current State Value Stream Mapping lecture and activity, a Manufacturing Cells demonstration, a Jidoka Run and discussion and more.