Graduate Academic Advising

INSY graduate students who do not have a faculty advisor should see the Graduate Program Coordinator for advice on course selection or other academic issues:

LuAnn Sims, Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC)
3301C Shelby Center
Auburn University, AL 36849
Tel:  (334) 844-1430

Graduate students are allowed to register from the first day that registration opens through the first week of the semester.  The first day of registration for Fall/Summer classes is approximately March 1st and for Spring classes is approximately October 1st.  Registration times are given here.

There are several ways to be advised:

  • Come by during the GPC’s regular advising times which are posted in the main ISE office during March and October.
  • Send an email to the GPC to arrange a specific time or ask a specific question.
  • Drop by to see the GPC during the posted advising blocks outside of March and October.
  • Look on Tiger i for the list of courses to be offered in a specific semester.
  • Look here for help with the registration process. 
Last Updated: Sep 16, 2014