Why this degree?
Graduate study in materials engineering provides opportunities for students to acquire highly advanced knowledge in materials science or engineering through a combination of rigorous coursework, an oral exam, a dissertation and defense of that dissertation and seminar presentations.
You are eligible to apply if...
You pass qualifying examinations (oral and written) with a greater proficiency than master’s students prior to taking the comprehensive examinations.
To complete the program you must...
- Complete a total of 60 credit hours: 30 hours of 6000/7000- level courses, of which at least 24 are MATL courses; 10 to 30 hours of MATL 8990; and 0-20 hours of other coursework
- Complete at least 18 hours of graded courses taken at Auburn
- Complete an oral exam
- Submit a plan of study, approve by the advisory committee, in the second semester
- Present a dissertation proposal at least 1.5 years before graduation
- present a dissertation defense
- Complete a seminar presentation in the Graduate Seminar Series course
What can you expect?
The faculty research adviser and student prepare a plan of study that is approved by the department chair dean of the Graduate School.
Applying for the Ph.D. - Materials Engineering
- Fill out the online graduate application at https://graduate.auburn.edu/prospective-students/application-instructions
(you will be required to create an account) - If you are interested in more information about the graduate program in Materials Engineering at Auburn University, contact Edward Davis at 334-329-9592 or ewd0001@auburn.edu