Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Graduate Certificate
Apply Now Available Online Course Catalog Download FlyerWhy this certificate?
This graduate certificate, offered through the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, is available to both degree and non-degree-seeking students who are interested in continuing their education by seeking advanced knowledge in occupational safety and ergonomics without committing to a master's degree program. Students who complete the certificate will have a strong foundation in topics such as safety engineering, risk quantification, ergonomics, human factors engineering and occupational biomechanics.
You are eligible to apply if...
- Those who hold a bachelor's degree in engineering or equivalent from an institute of recognized standing (exceptions may be approved if the student has the background needed to succeed in the graduate engineering courses) are eligible. We have had a number of individuals with exercise science/physiology/kinesiology/nursing preparation successfully complete this certificate.
- There is no GRE requirement.
To complete the program you must...
- Complete five (minimum of 15 credit hours) graduate (6000 and above)-level courses which may include:
- INSY 6010 Occupational Safety Engineering 3 hours
- INSY 6050 Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Hazards 3 hours
- INSY 6080 Human Factors Engineering 3 hours
- INSY 7020 System Safety Engineering 3 hours
- INSY 7040 Cognitive Engineering and System Design 3 hours
- INSY 7060 Fundamentals of Ergonomics 3 hours
- INSY 7070 Occupational Biomechanics 3 hours
- PSYC 7760 Occupational Health Psychology
- PSYC 7700 Foundations in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- INSY 7940 Industrial and Systems Engineering Problems 1-5 hours
- INSY 7970 Industrial and Systems Engineering Special Topics 1-5 hours
- INSY 8010 Advanced Safety Engineering 3 hours
- INSY 8020 Research Methods in Occupational Safety, Ergonomics, and Injury Prevention
- INSY 8060 Contemporary Ergonomics 3 hours
- Complete each course with a grade of C or better, and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
*View a complete ISE course list and course descriptions. Graduate courses are those listed as level ”6000” and up. Those that are also offered online have a corresponding listing with a course section beginning in "D" (e.g., INSY7970 Dxx). The course section will change from term to term.
What can you expect?
- You will experience the identical classroom activities that our on-campus students realize.
- You will be taught by a nationally recognized faculty who are all experienced, terminally degreed, and professionally certified/registered within their specific discipline.
- You will develop increased specialized knowledge within occupational safety and ergonomics, which you will be able to immediately apply to your job.
- If you choose to pursue a master's degree, all academic credit earned from the certificate (with appropriate grades) may be applied toward a graduate degree.
Applying for the Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Graduate Certificate
- Fill out the online graduate application at https://graduate.auburn.edu/prospective-students/application-instructions/
(you will be required to create an account) - Contact Branden Farmer, student services coordinator, for additional questions at blf0008@auburn.edu, or call 334.844.3761.