Why this degree?
The Master of Civil Engineering provide students an opportunity for advanced training and specialization through programs in construction engineering and management, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulics/hydrology (on-campus students only), pavements and materials, structural engineering, and transportation engineering (on-campus students only).
You are eligible to apply if...
- Those who hold a bachelor's degree in civil engineering or equivalent from an institution of recognized standing (transcripts required) are eligible.
- The GRE is required, and TOEFL scores are required for international applicants.
- Additional course work may be required as prerequisites upon faculty review and communicated with the student prior to offiical admission to the graduate program.
- Three letters of recommendation are also required.
To complete the program you must...
- Online students may choose a non-thesis option, except with special permission from the department to complete a thesis.
- Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate level (other than CIVL 7990 Research and Thesis) courses, such as:
- CIVL 6110 Open Channel Hydraulics
- CIVL 6120 Hydrologic Analysis and Modeling
- CIVL 6150 Groundwater Hydraulics
- CIVL 6160 Stormwater Management and Modeling
- CIVL 6170 Numerical Solutions for Hydro-Environmental Applications
- CIVL 6210 Chemical Principles of Environmental
Engineering - CIVL 6240 Air Pollution
- CIVL 6250 Biological Principles of Environmental
Engineering - CIVL 6260 Surface Water Quality Modeling
- CIVL 6330 Landfills
- CIVL 6340 Geosynthetics and Soil Improvements
- CIVL 6350 Earth Retaining Structures
- CIVL 6440 Construction Equipment and Methods
- CIVL 6500 Traffic Engineering Analysis
- CIVL 6560 Planning for Multimodal Transportation System
- CIVL 6600 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
- CIVL 6620 Pre-Stressed Concrete Design
- CIVL 6630 Advanced Concrete Materials
- CIVL 6640 Structural Masonry Design
- CIVL 6650 Advanced Steel Design
- CIVL 6660 Bridge Engineering
- CIVL 6670 Advanced Structural Analysis
- CIVL 6690 Timber Design
- CIVL 6700 Design for Lateral Loads
- CIVL 6710 Structural Repair
- CIVL 6720 Reliability of Structures
- CIVL 6810 Pavement Design and Construction
- CIVL 7140 Ecohydrology
- CIVL 7210 Methods of Pollutant Analysis in
Environmental Engineering - CIVL 7220 Water and Wastewater Operations
and Processes I - CIVL 7230 Water and Wastewater Operations
and Processes II - CIVL 7240 Water and Wastewater Operations
and Processes III - CIVL 7250 Biological Wastewater Treatment
- CIVL 7260 Environmental Nutrient Control Processes
- CIVL 7310 Foundation Engineering
- CIVL 7330 Soil Properties
- CIVL 7360 Earth Slopes and Dams
- CIVL 7390 Insitu Testing of Soil
- CIVL 7420 Project Planning and Control
- CIVL 7440 Equipment Methods and Engineering Economics
- CIVL 7460 Pre-project Planning
- CIVIL 7470 Advanced Project Management
- CIVL 7610 Structural Dynamics I
- CIVL 7620 Structural Dynamics II
- CIVL 7630 Advanced Stress Analysis
- CIVL 7640 Stability of Structures
- CIVL 7650 Advanced Analysis of Framed Structures
- CIVL 7660 Finite Element Methods in Structural
Mechanics - CIVL 7680 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
- CIVL 7710 Applied Elasticity
- CIVL 7720 Earthquake Engineering
- CIVL 7820 Advanced Pavement Design and Rehabilitation
- CIVL 7840 Pavement Management and Rehabilitation
- CIVL 7980 Engineering Project
- CIVL 7970 Advanced Flow and Water Quality Models
- Complete a plan of study, approved by the student's advisory committee
*View a complete CIVL course list and course descriptions. Graduate courses are those listed as level ”6000” and up. Those that are also offered online have a corresponding listing with a course section beginning in "D" (e.g., CIVL 6330 Dxx). The course section will change from term to term.
What can you expect?
Once admitted into Auburn Engineering's graduate program, you will work with your major advisor to create a plan of study that will need to be approved by your graduate advising committee.
To learn more about the graduate program in civil engineering, please contact the graduate program officer, Brian Anderson — ceegpo@auburn.edu.
Applying for the Master of Science in Civil Engineering
- Fill out the online graduate application at https://graduate.auburn.edu/prospective-students/application-instructions/
(you will be required to create an account). - Upload your letter of intent, resume, and three recommendation letters.
- Submit official GRE/TOEFL scores and official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended.
- For more information visit http://graduate.auburn.edu/.