Why this degree?
Auburn University’s Concurrent Degree Program in German and Engineering (also referred to as AU’s Dual Degree Program in German and Engineering) allows students to pursue a bachelor’s degree in German and a bachelor’s degree in an Engineering discipline concurrently and receive two separate diplomas in two distinct fields of study. Students in the program will learn from expert faculty both at Auburn and a partner university in Germany while gaining real-world practical experience, developing intercultural competence, and attaining advanced German language proficiency.
Structured as a cohesive five-year plan of study, the Concurrent Degree Program in German and Engineering is a cost-effective path to earning two degrees in an accelerated period. The following Engineering programs are available as part of this concurrent degree program.
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Auburn University offers students in each of these Engineering programs the opportunity to learn and work with some of the leaders in German engineering. This exciting blend of classroom instruction, applied laboratory work, and a required international internship opens doors to excellent career opportunities at some of the most innovative and respected engineering companies in the world.
Applying for the Engineering/German Dual Degree
Prospective Students
New freshman and transfer students should complete the Undergraduate Admissions application and select either Engineering or German as their intended major. Upon being accepted to Auburn, students can request to add this concurrent degree program at aub.ie/addmajor. Upon completing the request form, an academic advisor in the student’s new college will be notified and will reach out to assist with completing next steps. Students are encouraged to complete the form prior to attending Camp War Eagle or SOS to work with both of your academic advisors before registering for classes.
Current Students
Current students can request to add this concurrent degree program at aub.ie/majorchange. Upon completing the request form, an academic advisor in the student’s concurrent degree will be notified and will reach to assist with completing next steps.
Completing the Concurrent Degree Program
Students must complete the requirements for the Concurrent Degree Program in German and Engineering specified in the curriculum model provided by their academic advisor. In particular,
- Students satisfy the Auburn University Core Curriculum as required by their chosen Engineering program, not the German program.
- Students spend a year in Germany, which includes one semester of study at a partner German university and a required internship.
- Students complete an internship in Germany that should be at least 12 weeks (60 workdays) but no more than 16 weeks (80 workdays) in duration.
- Students take at least one German course each fall and spring semester to build and maintain German language proficiency.
Points of Contact
For further information about the Concurrent Degree Program in German and Engineering please contact:
Dr. Traci O’Brien
Chair, Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Director, German Program
Dr. Dean Hendrix
Director, Engineering Global Programs
Associate Chair, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering