College of Engineering / Student Organizations / Welcome to Auburn Off Road

Welcome to Auburn Off Road

War Eagle and Welcome to Auburn Off-Road's 2023-2024 season!

AUOR 2023 Team Photo 

2023-2024 Auburn Off-Road Team

What do we do at Auburn Off-Road?

Auburn Off-Road is a student-led organization that designs and constructs an offroad racing car each year in pursuit of a perfect balance of speed, strength, and endurance. We design, build, fund, and race our car ourselves, with some help from corporate partners and private citizens. Our years begin and end in June, when our last competition takes place. Each competition, held over multiple days, becomes a test not only of a car's design and performance, but also of the adaptability, skill, stamina, and engineering ability of the team at competition.

Who are we?

We are a small group of students, who come from a variety of places, backgrounds, and majors (not all engineering). Together, we work, learn, and travel in pursuit of our goal to win at our race. Those who stick with the team become part of a family, and learn to work as a team not only for today, but also for future careers.

How do I get involved?

If you are interested in racing, building things, or just like a bit of a challenge in your day, please e-mail Jordan Roberts or Alexander Tebeau for more information. Meetings are currently held on Campus on Mondays, at 5:30 p.m in the Brown-Koppel Makerspace. If you are unable to attend in person contact Alexander Tebeau, for more information.