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  • Cost effective method to educate your workforce and increase your competitiveness and earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for license renewal. 
  • From the convenience of your employees' computers (stream, podcast, audio only, or download) you have access anytime to our online system. Exams must be completed within one year of the date of purchase to receive CEUs.
  • Unlimited number of employees (at your site) may take the course for the one time annual fee of $300 per hour and only $30 per CEU certificate (for employees who take the exam for license renewal.) The "Temporary Traffic Control" course and courses in the "Design Fundamentals of Erosion & Sediment Control Measures for Construction Activities" professional certificate limit enrollment to 10 students and then there is an additional $100 per student.
  • Printable Corporate Brochure

  *To order or request more information, please call (833)-419-8528.


  • Live seminar information
  • Please call Ann Moore at 334.844.5697 for more information.