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College of Engineering / Awards / Vandegrift Co-op Student of the Year

Vandegrift Co-op Student of the Year


The Auburn University Cooperative Education Program selects one outstanding student each year to receive the Frank Vandegrift Award for outstanding accomplishments in Cooperative Education. The Vandegrift Co-op Student of the Year will receive $750, a plaque in recognition in the Engineering Career Development and Corporate Relations office, and AU campus recognition. Auburn’s Vandegrift Co-op of the Year advances in nomination to state and national awards: state-level Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers Co-op of the Year award; where $150, a plaque and appearance at the annual summer conference are awarded; national CEIA Co-operative Education Student Achievement Award; where $500, a plaque, and appearance at the annual convention are awarded.


  • Will have completed at least one co-op term between September 1 of the previous year and August 31 of the nominating year.
  • Enrolled in Co-op 4920 during work term(s).
  • Have a minimum 2.80 GPA and in all forms of good standing with AU and the Cooperative Education Program.
  • Agree to be present at the CEIA and/or AACE annual conference should they be selected for the national or state award.


August 31, 2022


Co-op students who meet eligibility requirements will be contacted to apply for this award.

Previous Winners:

2021: Justin H. Tran
Southern Company

2020: Parth Ranchhod
Cox Communications

2019: Andrea Walker

2018: Daylon G. Hester
Georgia Power Company

2017: Rachel E. Helm
Weston Solutions, Inc.

2016: Andrew G. Bates
Rheem Water Heating

2015: Andrea K. Charlton

Tran, a senior in electrical and computer engineering (ECE), not only has a standing job offer from the Southern Company upon graduation in May 2022, but he was recently named the 2021 Frank Vandegrift Co-op Student of the Year. Established in honor of the former director of Auburn University’s co-op Program, Frank Vandegrift, the award is presented each year to an outstanding Auburn Engineering co-op student.

Tran, a senior in electrical and computer engineering (ECE), not only has a standing job offer from the Southern Company upon graduation in May 2022, but he was recently named the 2021 Frank Vandegrift Co-op Student of the Year. Established in honor of the former director of Auburn University’s co-op Program, Frank Vandegrift, the award is presented each year to an outstanding Auburn Engineering co-op student.