Rodney H. Atkins

Director of Human Resources

What is your mission as a company?

Provide sustainable operating income growth while maintaining the highest ethical standards and operating in an environmentally and socially responsible way.


What is your company culture?

The Marmon Operating Model is based on 5 strategic pillars.

  • Invest, Listen, and Grow
  • Empower Ethical Entrepreneurial Leaders
  • Drive Operational Excellence
  • Leverage Our Size and Scale
  • Champion Our People


What are your recommendations for seeking mentorship and support in the workplace

There are many seasoned professionals and leaders who understand the importance of developing younger professionals. Once you establish relationships with those more seasoned, there are many who are willing to mentor. Many companies like Marmon, have formal Mentor programs that invest in and grow younger talent.


How do I ask for help as a professional?

Human Resources Department is usually a good place to seek advice on professional growth and career matters.


What is one piece of advice that you would give to your college-aged self?

Work hard and pursue the things in life that will bring happiness and enjoyment.


How can my Auburn Engineering education best prepare me for the world of work?

An education in Engineering will open more doors of opportunity that would not otherwise be open!


If you were to hire someone to work with you today, what factors would be most important in your hiring decision and why?

Considering all things equal from an education and experience standpoint, the ideal candidates are those who can adapt and fit in to existing work culture, possess excellent communication skills, possess a collaborative approach to work, be a team player, willingness to learn and grow, possess a strong work ethic, flexible, respectful and considerate of others.


What types of experiences, paid employment, or otherwise, would you most strongly recommend?

I highly recommend getting experience as an Intern or CO-OP. This will not only give you experience, but it will help you network and get exposure to companies expectations, work cultures, and ultimately help guide the direction you want your career to go.


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