Frances Fabbrini

Major: Biosystems – Ecological Engineering
Graduation Term: Spring 2025
Hometown: Dothan, AL
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Snack: Oreos
Favorite Fast Food: Wendy's/Waffle House
Favorite Drink: Diet Coke
Outside of school I enjoy pickleball, hanging out with friends, reading, & cooking
Involvement: ADPi, Beat Bama Food Drive, & SWE
Study Abroad in Innsbruck, Austria during Summer 2023
Interned at Air Quality Control for SOLA
Worked as a research assistant for a Biosystems PhD student for biodegradability of plastics mixed with biochar
Favorite Class at Auburn: Vegetable Production
Fun Fact: I am the youngest of four sisters, who all attended Auburn!
One thing I wish I would have known before starting in Auburn Engineering is how to make an engineering tutoring session.