Assistant professor in CSSE appointed as associate editor at top-tier artificial intelligence journal
Published: Jan 12, 2024 11:45 AM
By Joe McAdory
Pan He, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), has been appointed associate editor of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems journal – a leading artificial intelligence (AI) periodical published by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems publishes technical articles dealing with the theory, design and applications of neural networks and related learning systems.
“I am thrilled and inspired to serve as the associate editor for Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,” said He, who joined the Auburn University faculty last August after winning the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Doctoral Consortium Award (supported by the National Science Foundation) as a graduate student at the University of Florida in 2022. “At Auburn University, I am eager to contribute to the advancement of computer vision and machine learning research and uphold the standards of research excellence.”
He's journal appointment, which became effective January 1, fell on the heels of several recent CSSE accomplishments, including three National Centers of Academic Excellence cybersecurity designations, and two grants ( and combining for $3 million in research funding from the National Institute of Health.
“This appointment provides another opportunity to bring further recognition to Auburn University and the tremendous work that’s being done here in our growing department,” said CSSE Department Chair Hari Narayanan.
“It’s important for faculty members to engage in activities such as becoming a journal editor and take leadership roles within the research community. Dr. He brings tremendous credentials to this role, gives him the opportunity to help select the best research papers for this journal and, in doing so, draw from this experience where he can become an even more prolific researcher and find potential future collaborators in the process.”
He’s talents are suited for the role as his research specializes in computer vision and machine learning.
“I am particularly interested in developing the essential AI techniques and seamlessly integrating them for creating or empowering real-time downstream applications in next-generation infrastructure systems,” He said. “This will have an impact on intelligent transportation, climate change and other scientific computing applications.”
At the journal, He will process dozens of contributed papers, including full and brief research papers, comments papers and other communications.
“I will particularly focus on finding research works that introduce novel research problems or questions that show the potential of making groundbreaking contributions,” He said. “I will highly encourage contributing authors to submit works that could identify unexplored areas, challenge existing paradigms and/or propose innovative perspectives to existing research.
“IEEE’s Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems is one of the top journals in the field of neural networks and related learning systems. My service and contributions to the journal will be identifying high-standard innovative research works, especially in the fields of computer vision and deep learning and I will use this prestigious opportunity to enhance my skills, broaden my academic network and contribute to the scholarly community's growth and development.”
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Pan He joined the Auburn University faculty in the Fall 2023 semester.