ICAMS to host manufacturing summit and open house Oct. 26 and 27

Published: Oct 16, 2023 10:00 AM

By Dustin Duncan

The Auburn University Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Manufacturing Systems (ICAMS) will open its doors to the public later this month to showcase the wide range of resources available to assist small- and medium-sized manufacturing operations to advance their businesses.

ICAMS will host a two-day event, starting with the Advanced Manufacturing Summit at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 26, in the Brown-Kopel Center, followed by an open house on Friday, Oct. 27, at the ICAMS Manufacturing Facility located at 1490 Pumphrey Ave.

The Thursday manufacturing summit will primarily focus on the future of manufacturing in the United States, according to ICAMS Director Greg Harris, and it will feature speakers such as Adele Ratcliff, director of the Innovation Capability and Modernization Office within the U.S. Office of Secretary of Defense; John Vickers, senior leader for Advanced and In-Space Manufacturing Capabilities in the Materials and Processes Laboratory at NASA; Nathan Edwards, executive director of the U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE); and Chris Peters, CEO of The Lucrum Group.

Harris said the speakers are all significant supporters of the ICAMS programs, and this event presents a valuable opportunity for Auburn faculty, students, researchers and industry leaders to engage in a question-and-answer format.

The Friday event is open to the public, and it will include remarks from elected officials, Auburn University administrators and industry leaders. Students and research engineers will be available throughout the open house to answer questions and conduct small demonstrations.

Established in 2018 within Auburn’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, ICAMS opened its manufacturing facility in 2020, providing the equipment, space and expertise to train and educate students and industry personnel in advanced manufacturing technologies.

"We demonstrate technologies to manufacturers and assist them in identifying which technologies would benefit their operations," Harris said. "We provide support in designing and implementing these technologies into their operations."

ICAMS also provides tailored training to help manufacturers become more productive and profitable with their equipment.

Harris said that the event presents the perfect opportunity for small- and medium-sized manufacturers to discover what ICAMS can offer for their businesses.

"We have an excellent facility here, capable of making just about anything. We demonstrate Industry 4.0 technologies, research new technological capabilities and provide students a unique opportunity to work with industry by producing prototypes and making short production runs," Harris said. "Our primary mission at ICAMS is to enhance technology adoption among small- and medium-sized manufacturers and provide the skilled workforce needed for Alabama and the U.S. to be dominant in the world marketplace."


Media Contact: Dustin Duncan , dzd0065@auburn.edu,
student working at machine

Students and research engineers will be available throughout the open house to answer questions and conduct small demonstrations. ICAMS Director Greg Harris said that the event presents the perfect opportunity for small- and medium-sized manufacturers to discover what ICAMS can offer for their businesses.