#GINNing Podcast: Peter Liu and the Big To-Do

Published: Jun 16, 2023 12:00 PM

By Jeremy Henderson

Despite the demonstrated success of metal additive manufacturing (AM) in various industries, the performance uncertainty of AM parts undermines the potential of deploying AM for high-consequence applications. Air travel. Space travel. That sort of thing.

Which is why the National Science Foundation (NSF) is turning to assistant industrial and systems engineering professor Peter Liu. The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering's latest NSF CAREER Award winner recently sat down with the #GINNing crew to discuss the challenges of AM fatigue failure research — and the challenges of getting rice in northern China. Listen to the latest episode of the best podcast in higher education below, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts by searching #GINNing.

Media Contact: Jeremy Henderson, jdh0123@auburn.edu, 334-844-3591

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