Annual Graduate Summer Seminar Series accepting submissions
Published: May 5, 2021 12:58 PM
By Cassie Montgomery
The Center for Polymer and Advanced Composites (CPAC) at Auburn University is now accepting abstract submissions for the annual Graduate Summer Seminar Series (GSSS). In its fourth year, the GSSS is an opportunity for graduate students to share their research and to foster interdisciplinary research collaboration at Auburn.
“We welcome abstract submissions from students in all departments whose research topic is impacted by polymers or polymer composites,” said Bryan Beckingham, assistant professor of chemical engineering.
Presentations will be split into two categories: lightning talks and research talks. Lightning talks will consist of 3-minute talks using only one slide. Research talks will be 10-minute oral talks. A People’s Choice Award will be selected for each session.
“These two formats allow for students at all stages of their research to participate,” Beckingham said. “The 3-minute presentations are modeled after the 3-Minute Thesis format, which allows for newer graduate students to present an abbreviated motivation and outlook for their work. Meanwhile, the 10-minute talks are geared towards conference style presentations for more senior graduate students. All attendees take part in the judging, providing valuable feedback from a diverse audience.”
The deadline to submit an abstract for the seminar series is Friday, May 14. Interested graduate students can access the submission form via the AU Competition Space website. The seminar series will take place in Broun Hall 239 on a series of Tuesdays starting on Jun. 1 and running through Aug. 3. More information and specific dates can be found in the event flyer.
Established in 2015, CPAC has become a regional leader in polymer and composite engineering by harnessing opportunities for research, graduate education and collaborative outreach to advance economic growth in Alabama and the Southeast.
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A graduate student presents her research at the annual Graduate Summer Seminar Series.