College of EngineeringDepartment of Industrial and Systems EngineeringAcademicsRegistration Process

Registration Process

*If you are unable to register for a course, please complete the INSY Course Request Form

For any course related questions, please contact Branden Farmer, branden@auburn

Legitimate reasons that students have difficulty registering for classes:

  1. The system won't let you register for more than one hour for some variable-hour classes.
  2. Certain undergraduate and graduate courses have pre-requisites or co-requisites. The system looks at your transcript to see if you have the pre- or co-requisites. If it doesn't find them, you can't register for the course and the system gives you a "pre-req and test score error." We can usually override the pre-requisites for our department's graduate courses. If the course is in another department, say, math, you have to get the math department to override you into the class. If a graduate course has a pre-requisite and you don't have it, you should carefully consider whether you have the appropriate background for the course before requesting that the pre-requisite be waived. In general, we do not override pre-requisites for undergraduate courses in our department.
  3. If you have registration holds, they have probably been placed by the financial office, the medical office, the international office or the graduate school. Our department does not put holds on registrations, so we can't do anything about your holds. You should contact the department that placed the hold for help.
  4. You are attempting to register for classes after the first week of the semester. After the first week, complete the INSY Course Request Form. After the 15th class day, we can’t add you.
  5. You are attempting to register for a class that is full. Perhaps we may add seats; fill out the INSY Course Request Form. For full sections in other departments, you must obtain permission from the other department.
  6. You wish to audit an undergraduate or graduate class. You must have permission of the Grad School. The audit request form is found here.
  7. This point is important enough to restate: we can only register you for classes in INSY or the sections of STAT that one of our INSY professors teaches. For problems in other courses, you will have to go through that department.
  8. Generally, we will be able to resolve the registration issues mentioned above within 24 hours of your request Monday through Friday. Please don't repeat the request multiple times and multiple ways in 24 hours.