EzCash Download & Installation

Requirements for EzCash

  • Microsoft Windows operating system
  • 800 Kb free disk space
  • Note: Microsoft Windows 3.1 must be in VGA mode.

To Download EzCash, follow these steps:

  • Create a subdirectory on your PC, such as C:\ezcash
  • Download the EzCash file by using the save-to-disk feature of your web browser.
    You will be downloading a compressed file named "zipfile.exe". Save the file in the directory you created.
    Downloading this file will take approximately 2 to 4 minutes.

    This compressed version was created by using the trial version of "Self-Extracting Zip File" tool available from WinZip.


To install EzCash on Microsoft Windows, follow these steps:

  • Click the "File/Run" menu command under Windows 3.1 or the "Start/Run" buttons under Windows 95/98.
  • Type "drive:\directory\zipfile.exe" and press the "ENTER" key to uncompressed the zipped file.
    Example: If you downloaded the file to "c:\ezcash", you will type "c:\ezcash\zipfile.exe" and hit "ENTER".
  • You will see a message box entitled "WinZip Self-Extractor".
    Click on the OK button to continue. The next screen will prompt you for a location to install EzCash. Click on the Unzip button if the directory you downloaded to is listed.
    When that has finished, click OK, then click Close.
  • EzCash should now be installed.

Please note:

The EzCash package is no longer supported and is only available "as-is". No new version is going to be released nor will any user support be available.

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