This webpage was created for student teams in a capstone design course who will be designing a lunar regolith excavator. Your project is sponsored and defined by NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD)http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/esmd/home/index.html. The NASA technical monitor is Robert P. Mueller of Kennedy Space Center (KSC), who is NASA’s Surface Systems Lead Engineer. Your project directive is to "investigate concepts for Lunar Regolith excavation equipment and propose solutions in the form of completed designs and prototypes.”
Industry and
universities have been independently
designing lunar excavator prototypes for several years
now. Some of these prototypes have been competing at the “Regolith Excavation
Challenge” http://regolith.csewi.org/ Recent
competitors and competition results can be seen at: By the way, the prize is ...... $500,000!!! To date no design teams have been able to create an excavator that under the rules of the competition can achieve the regolith production rate needed to win. NASA is also considering creating an annual student competition. What's Inside: The Lunar Engineering Handbook
This webpage contains the "Lunar Engineering Handbook", which is
composed of the following
chapters: Chapter 2: Systems Engineering – The Systems Design Process Chapter2.htm Chapter 3: Systems Engineering Example of a Cube Satellite Chapter3.htm Chapter 4: Systems Engineering Tools Chapter4.htm Chapter 5: The Lunar Environment and Issues for Engineering Design Chapter5.htm Chapter 6: Component and Material Selection Chapter6.htm Chapter 7: Thermal Considerations of Lunar Based Systems Chapter7.htm Chapter 8: Computer-Aided Engineering Tools Chapter8.htm The Best Way to Use this Material in Your ProjectAt many universities the capstone senior project class is structured to maximize student time exercising the design process, including building a prototype and testing. There is precious little time for lecture. But the problem is that there is a substantial amount of lunar engineering background that engineering students need before they can design lunar equipment. So, to minimize lectures and reading assignments, and still convey the necessary background material, an alternative teaching and learning model is presented that keeps lecturing to a minimum. This model is realized in "Chapter X". Chapter X takes advantage of hyperlinks to condense the material into a chronological design sequence; it is a roadmap for a senior projects multidisciplinary team designing an excavator. In Chapter X is background information about the moon and lunar environment, with a condensed and accelerated presentation of the Systems Engineering Process. So a teaching model based on this material for lunar equipment design is:
For those who wish to learn Systems Engineering only and have no interest in the moon, Chapter 2 was created to be a concise standalone presentation of Systems Engineering.