
This space is a convenient place for College of Engineering Organizations to find all relevant information relating to their organizations and how they fit within Auburn University and the College.

Reservation Requests for Student Organizations

Book rooms in Brown-Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center using the link below.

Brown-Kopel Room Reservations 

Book rooms in the Melton Student Center using the link below.

Melton Student Center Room Reservations 

To book a room in the Auburn University Library, Mell Classroom Center or The ACLC email and include the information below. 

  • Student Organization Name: 
  • Contact Info (Name and Email): 
  • Advisor Name:  
  • Date/Dates:  
  • Begin time, end time (include any setup break down time): 
  • Number of attendees: 
  • Room preference: Library, Mell or ACLC
  • Setup needed: Theatre, classroom or pods 
  • Equipment needed: AV for a laptop connection

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities for Student Organizations

GRAND Engineering Showcase Challenges 

  • THE 14 GRAND ENGINEERING CHALLENGES were created in 2008 to achieve and improve sustainability,
    health, security and the joy of living. During Auburn University’s GRAND Engineering Showcase, you’ll learn about each of the 14 challenges through a hands-on activity. As a future engineer, YOU can make the world a better place by helping us solve these challenges
  • Sign up today! 

Engineering Council (E-Council)

August E-Council Meeting 

September E-Council Meeting 

Upcoming E-Council Meetings

  • Monday, October 21st from 6-7pm in BK 2133 
  • Monday, November 18th from 6-7pm in BK 2133
  • End of Semester Celebration 
    • Monday, December 2nd from 6-7pm in BK 2133 

Student Organization Safety Resources

Driver Safety Training 


Emmanuel Winful -

Tucker Smitha (ESC Rep) -

Professional Engineering Organizations Suite (PEO Suite)

PEO Agreement 

PEO Swipe Access Request Form

Book the PEO Suite Below: (Start a Special Request. PEO is listed as a Classroom) 

Nametag Requests

If you would like to request reusable nametags from Ware Jewelers for student organization leaders, please use this form and send it to Ware for a quote. 

If you are interested in using another vendor, such as Crown Trophy, to purchase nametags, please contact Brooks Triplett at

Other Announcements:

Volunteer Opportunities for Engineering Student Organizations: 

  • (Bundles of Hope) 


For more information please contact:

Brooks Triplett
Student Initiatives Administrator

College of Engineering
0124 Brown-Kopel Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5341