Engineering Analytical Lab
The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering is establishing a shared-use analytical lab to support the research needs of its students, staff, and faculty.
Currently the two following pieces of equipment are in the Engineering Analytical Lab:
- Zeiss EVO-10 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with an EDS detector
- Quorum Q150R ES Plus Sputter Coater
Information for Equipment Use
To use any equipment you must do the following:
- Complete training on the particular piece of equipment
- Click the link below to access the Shared Use Research Lab Website. Use your Auburn University credentials to log in.
- Create an account if you don't have any on Makerspace. To create the account, on the Shared use Research Lab website, select Services Account Application. Provide all the information including the FOAP. For group accounts, one person can be the `admin`, and other users from the same research group and be added as `users`.
- Under the Training Tab, select Zeiss Evo 10 SEM Training . Complete the Online Safety Presentation and the Safety Quiz.
- Once passed , download and fill out the Training Verification Form and email Md Fahim Salek at to request in-person training.
- Attend a ~2-hour in-person training that covers the basic operation for SEM imaging and EDS elemental analysis.
- The trainer will sign the Training Verification Form when the user displays proficiency using the equipment.
- Request Lab Access
- Please have the Administrative Assistant for your department complete the Card Access Request form and submit it to the Dean’s Office for approval.
- Equipment Reservation
- Once the training is complete and lab access has been granted, you may reserve the equipment you wish to use. The reservation calendar can be accessed on the same website under the Reserve tab. Direct link to the reservation calendar
- Once the training is complete and lab access has been granted, you may reserve the equipment you wish to use. The reservation calendar can be accessed on the same website under the Reserve tab. Direct link to the reservation calendar