> Past RAP ETG Meetings
> October 2010 RAP ETG Meeting
October 2010 RAP ETG Meeting

- Evaluation of RAP Binder Blending Part II - Copeland, Dongre, D'Angelo
- Applications of Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) to Asphalt Binder Characterization I - Daley, Glover, Abadie
- Applications of Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) to Asphalt Binder Characterization II - Glover, Negalescu
- Manitoba: PTH 8 Field Sections Update on Laboratory Test Results - Hajj
- Barriers for Expansion of RAP/RAS Usage in Oklahoma - Hobson, Raymond, Fazal
- Use of Asphalt Shingle (Manufacturer Waste and Post Consumer) in Asphalt Pavement - Huber
- Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixing & Compatibility - Kalberer, Harnsberger, Pauli
- Investigation of Low and High Temperature Properties of Plant-Produced RAP Mixtures - McDaniel
- Estimating Effect of RAP and RAS on PG Grade of Binders - Swirtz, Bahia
- NCHRP 9-46 Update: High RAP Content Mix Design - West
- Research Need Statement: Experimental Design for Field Validation of Tests to Predict Cracking in Asphalt Mixtures - West