Concrete Canoe Team
Concrete Canoe Captain
We are currently seeking motiviated individuals to join our 2021 Concrete Canoe team. To learn more about our plans for this year's concrete canoe or to get involved, contact Melanie Monaghan, President.
For the 2021 Concrete Canoe rules and regulations, visit:
"Tigerpillar" - 2015 Canoe

The concrete canoe competition is one of the most well know competitions that we compete in at the ASCE Southeastern Regional Conference. Students completely design the canoe from the concrete mix to the dimensions. It has become a tradition for every canoe to have a theme and display for the canoe. Our past theme was construction complete with the "Tigerpillar" canoe, crane, full sized Auburn University Civil Engineers construction signs, and even a port-a-potty big enough to walk in where we displayed the concrete cylinders.
In order for the canoes to be raced at the conference, they have to pass a swamp test the day before the competition. The canoes are submerged in water and must come back up to the top to prove that they are buoyant. Once this test is passed, the canoes can go on to preform in the men, women and coed sprint and distance races.