#GINNing Podcast: The busy bee from Bessemer

Published: Aug 29, 2021 12:00 AM

By Jeremy Henderson

If you've ever thought that whole thing about Auburn providing the best student-centered engineering experience in America was just a slogan, then take a look at industrial and systems engineering senior Jailin Sanders.

The busy bee from Bessemer is a walking, talking billboard for the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. He's taken advantage of pretty much every opportunity and resource the college has to offer. His contributions to student organizations? Legion. His attitude? Infectious.

Learn why folks can't stop hailin' that Jailin on the latest epsiode of the award-winning #GINNing Podcast below, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts by searching #GINNing.

Media Contact: Jeremy Henderson, jdh0123@auburn.edu, 334-844-3591
Jailin Sanders

Jailin Sanders

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