Associate professor awarded Telford Premium from the Institution of Civil Engineers
Published: Jul 24, 2018 8:00 AM
By Austin Phillips
Jose Vasconcelos, associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, has been awarded the Telford Premium from the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Each year, the Institution of Civil Engineers Publishing awards authors from both industry and academia who have produced work judged by their peers to be of exceptional quality and benefit to the civil engineering, construction and materials science community.
Along with co-authors Steven Wright, the Arthur Thurnau Professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Michigan, and Jim Lewis, a research hydraulic engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vasconcelos was honored with the prestigious award in the Engineering and Computational Mechanics category for his paper “Air-water interactions in urban drainage systems.”
As storm water and combined sewer systems are subject to rapid filling during intense rainfall events, Vasconcelos’ work looks at how these large-sized systems require a significant amount of air to be vented during filling. Several systems have experienced operational problems, such as structural damages and geyser release through ventilation shafts. Observations from one storm water conveyance tunnel and laboratory experiments suggest that entrapment of large discrete volumes of air during rapid filling can explain geyser formation, as well as large system pressures associated with the compression of trapped air.
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