Dr. Janet Moore
Assistant Dean & Director of Student Services, jcm0093@auburn.edu
Ed.D., Higher Education Policy and Administration, University of Alabama (2014)
Ed.S., Educational Leadership, Samford University (1998)
M.S., Educational Psychometry, Jacksonville State University (1989)
B.S., Elementary Education, Jacksonville State University (1986)
Responsible for student services related to academic advising, academic support, university policies, graduation credit checks, student academic records, and university resources. Provides students with Dean’s level authority for university processes and academic policy exceptions.
About Janet:
After teaching and working as a psychometrist for many years, Janet started working in higher education supporting the academic success of student-athletes at Jacksonville State University. Janet is a really a teacher at heart. She loves to see students learn and achieve their educational goals, and that is why she loves working in the College of Engineering.
Fun Fact:
For fun, Janet enjoys playing the piano, playing Catan or other games with her family, and watching sports or Hallmark movies.