Proposal Preparation Process

Our vision in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering is to be a leader in research and service that improves the quality of life and fosters economic growth. To help meet that vision, ERAD is here to aid faculty in applying for and winning research opportunities. ERAD can walk you through the steps to submitting a request for funding to government agencies, industry, or other partners.

Pre-Award Responsibilities


  • Identify funding opportunity
  • Share with ERAD administrator
  • Draft project narrative or description
  • Draft budget to support planned work
  • Prepare proposal support documents
  • Finalize budget with ERAD
  • Finalize narrative
  • Final review and release for submission


  • Serve as PI point of contact
  • Assist in identifying funding opportunities
  • Review opportunity and assist with determining proposal requirements
  • Prepare AU e-Cover Form
  • Review pre-proposal and LOI
  • Aid with budget preparation
  • Provide letters of commitment or intent as needed
  • Review supplementary documents
  • Finalize budget
  • Submit proposal

Find Funding

Find funding opportunities from some of our most frequent funders by visiting the sites below or by searching with the PIVOT tool.

Prepare Proposal Documents

Faculty members will develop the proposal and gather supporting documentation following the sponsor’s requirements. All proposals and pre-proposals containing a budget must be reviewed and approved by ERAD before submitting to the sponsor.

Submit draft proposals to the appropriate contract and grants specialist via email or through this form.

At minimum, the submission should include:

  • Announcement/RFP/BAA solicitation or link to website
  • Statement of work (draft or project summary)
  • Draft budget and budget justification: 2024 Budget Template

Special Topics

Research Compliance

Please follow the sponsor requirements for human subject research, animal care and use, or biological hazards approvals for the proposal. Visit the Office of Research Compliance page for more information.

Limited Submissions

If the RFP indicates the institution is limited in the number of proposals it can submit, please refer to the Limited Submission policy and process.


Faculty may submit white papers or pre-proposals without a cover form or ERAD review as long as no budget is required.

Subcontract vs Consultant Responsible Conduct of Research

Auburn University requires all research personnel (faculty, staff, postdocs, students, and anyone who manages or administers research) to complete the CITI AU Basic RCR Training course every 3 years. Please see more information on Auburn’s RCR page here.

Final Review and Submission

We recommend providing all required documents to ERAD for final review at least 3 business days before the sponsor deadline. ERAD will review and provide feedback and final approval.

ERAD will submit the proposal to sponsor upon receipt of the final proposal and PI notice to submit, or ERAD will return the approved final proposal to faculty member for submission.