Why this degree?
The Master of Science in Chemical Engineering is oriented toward engineering design and practice. Some of the specialties students will study include surface science, biochemical engineering, catalysis, pulp and paper engineering, environmental engineering, waste conversion, computer-aided process design and simulation, novel bioseparations systems, chemical kinetics, and reactor design.
You are eligible to apply if...
- Those who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent in chemical engineering from an institution of recognized standing (transcripts required) are eligible.
- You have significant undergraduate experience in related areas of general physics, calculus, differential equations, chemistry, etc.
- Applicants with an undergraduate degree in any major other than Chemical Engineering (e.g., another science, math or engineering discipline) will be required to complete a two-semester online bridge program through either Michigan State University (chems.msu.edu/academics/cont.ed) or North Carolina State University (cbe.ncsu.edu/graduate/distance-education/core-che-concepts-i-and-ii/), and earn letter grades of at least B in both semesters prior to starting graduate work at Auburn University.
- GRE scores are required, or TOEFL scores for international students.
- Three letters of recommendation are required.
To complete the program you must...
- Online students can choose the non-thesis option, except with special permission from the department to complete a thesis.
- For the M.S. non-thesis option, students must:
- Complete 30 semester graduate credit hours, 21 hours of which must be in chemical engineering.
- The M.S. non-thesis program does not have a residency, seminar, research, or final oral exam requirement.
- For the M.S. thesis option, students must:
- Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate (6000/7000/8000 level) course and research work, including:
- at least 27 credit hours of which must be in chemical engineering
- 6 credit hours of CHEN 7990 (Research and Thesis)
- After completion of the thesis, the student must pass a final oral examination defending the thesis.
- Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate (6000/7000/8000 level) course and research work, including:
*View a complete Chemical Engineering course list and course descriptions. Graduate courses are those listed as level ”6000” and up. Those that are also offered online have a corresponding listing with a course section beginning in "D" (e.g., CHEN 6330 Dxx). The course section will change from term to term.
What can you expect?
- Once admitted into Auburn Engineering's graduate program, you will work with the graduate program officer to create a plan of study:
- Xinyu Zhang, xzz0004@auburn.edu
Applying for the Master of Science - Chemical Engineering
- Fill out the online graduate application at https://graduate.auburn.edu/prospective-students/application-instructions/
(you will be required to create an account). - Upload your official transcripts, resume, GRE/TOEFL scores, and letters of recommendation.
- For more information, please visit graduate.auburn.edu/.