Within 10 years of graduation, you may join 100+ Women Strong for an annual gift of $500.
10+ years
Auburn Engineering boasts many successful female alumnae, from CEOs of companies to executives in
The college’s 100+ Women Strong is made up of alumni and friends of the college who embrace our vision to provide resources and programming that will enable us to attract, support and retain female students in Auburn Engineering. 100+ Women Strong members recognize the importance of connecting with the next generation of female engineers – those who will bring innovation and discovery to bear on the quality of life for people throughout the world.
The initiatives of 100+ Women Strong are focused in three critical areas:
Recruiting - Auburn Engineering's recruiting events, annual open house (E-Day), engineering summer camps, high school networks with school counselors and teachers, as well as junior college workshops, are all designed to engage young women early as they make pivotal decisions about high school courses that prepare them for college.
While 100+ Women Strong and the Society of Women Engineers both work to create opportunities and provide support for women in engineering, the 100+ Women Strong program is specifically designed for participation by our alumni and friends who are committed to empowering women to choose
Retaining - Female students most often report leaving the engineering curriculum, not for academic reasons, but rather because they cannot envision themselves as engineers. One of the most important elements of our 100+ Women Strong program is
Rewarding - One of the main ways in which the college rewards outstanding achievement in female students is through scholarships. Scholarship funding is used to recruit top students and to reward students whose extracurricular activities promote women in engineering. 100+ Women Strong also provides leadership and diversity, study abroad, research and faculty research awards.
The goals of 100+ Women Strong are:
- Increase the number of females enrolled in engineering at Auburn
- Improve the retention rate of female engineering students at Auburn
- Promote engineering as a career choice to young girls, their teachers, and parents
- Promote participation of alumni in engineering education and outreach initiatives
- Acquire 100 or more women who will make a five-year pledge of $1,000 annually to support these initiatives
For more information on 100+ Women Strong, email 100womenstrong@auburn.edu
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