We will use the Polymath Program extensively in this course. It is a Windows based Math program featuring Differential Equation Solver, Algebraic Equation Solver (Linear and Non-linear), and Regression Analysis (Linear and Non-linear) Programs. It is relatively easy to learn. There will not be a class room instruction for this program.You are responsible for mastery of this program.
For all of the Polymath based assignments, you are required to submit the program statement (summary sheet) along with the data/graphical output.
The Polymath Prgram comes with the textbook. If you do not have a PC at home, use the Chemical Engineering computers in Textile building. Polymath programs are installed in the networked ChE computers.
For additional help for Polymath, consult the Webpage
at http://www.polymath-software.com/.
Math Symbols and Functions in Polymath: