CHEN-7250 Homework


Assignment No. 1


Due:  01/22, Fri

1.      A tank contains water solution of A. The initial concentration of A in the tank is 10 g/L. At time = 0, additional A is fed into the tank at the rate of 1 L/minute. The concentration of A in the input stream is 20 g/L. At the same time the liquid in the tank is withdrawn through a pipe connected at the bottom of the tank. The flow rate through this pipe is v = (0.005)V, L/minute, where V is the volume of liquid in the tank. The liquid is well agitated. The density of liquid stays constant. A chemical reaction of A→B takes place in the tank:  rA = - (0.08) CA  g/L.min.


a.      Using Polymath, determine the amount of A, the concentration of A, and volume of liquid in the tank when time = 50 minutes.

b.     Repeat part (a) by hand calculation. Hint: Take NA (not C) as the dependent variable.

c.      Calculate the conversion (X) in this reactor (considering the meaning of conversion) by Polymath when time = 50.

d.     If this reactor is operated for a long period of time, it will eventually reach a steady-state turning into a CSTR. Calculate the conversion for this CSTR,

(i)                By hand calculation using mole balance equation

(ii)             By Polymath (taking a large number of t)


Assignment No. 2


Due: 01/27, Wed       


 Problem 3-17 

Additional Question: (c) Calculate the reaction time to achieve 50% conversion. Use polymath. Change k1 value to 1000.


Assignment No. 3


Due: 01/29, Fri     


1. Starting from mole balance equation of PFR, derive Eq. 4-17, p.170 for a second order isothermal gas reaction. Show the derivation process. Picking up the equation from the Appendix in not acceptable.

2. Problem 4-12 (a)


Assignment No. 4


Due: 02/01, Mon    


1. Problem 4-7 (a), (b), (f) with a revision: redo (a) and (b) only.

2. Problem 4-13


Assignment No. 5


Due: 02/03, Wed    


1.     Problem 4-7 (e) and (f)-batch reactor. Ignore cost. Assume down-time for batch cycle (empting, cleaning, refill, etc.) = 4.5 hours.



Hint: Prove in terms of Damkohler number.




Assignment No. 6


Due: 02/05, Fri


1.      Problem 4-23 (a), (c).




Set t(f) = 15,000.

Part (a): Conversion is based on ethylene chlorohydrin. Note unit of k is in hour, not minute.

Part (c): Consider using if( ) then( ) else( ) statement in Polymath. See Polymath examples


2.      (Unsteady-State CSTR)


An elementary gas reaction, A —> 2B, is taking place in an unsteady-state CSTR. The reactor is initially filled with an inert gas. At time zero feed containing A only is fed into the reactor.


(a)  Plot CA, CB, and CI as a function of time

(b)  How long would it take for CB to reach 50% of CA0?

(c)  Calculate the conversion at this point and the steady-state conversion.


Additional information:


-rA = 0.1 CA mols A/(min,)(L)

Pressure is uniform at 1 atm throughout, T = 300°K, vo = 1 L/min., V = 40 L


Notes: Consider using total mole balance

and that NT = NA + NB + NI = constant in the reactor (IG Law).



Assignment No. 7


Due: 02/08, Mon


Problem 4-17 (a), (b)


Note: This is a trial and error problem with two unknown parameters (α and kCA02/FAO).


Assignment No. 8


Due: 02/10, Wed


The following elementary liquid reactions are carried out by two different methods as described below. Using Polymath calculate the yield and the selectivity (SDU) for each case.

A+BD,                             k1 = 0.25 (mol/L)-1(minute)-1

A+2BU,                            k2A = 0.66 (mol/L)-2(minute)-1

(Method 1)

Reactants A and B are kept in two separate vessels (Tank A and Tank B). The volume of each reactant is 50 liters. The concentration of reactant A is 0.8 mol/L and that of reactant B is 1.2 mol/L. The reactant B is poured abruptly into Tank A, mixed well, and the reaction is carried out in batch mode for 60 minutes.

(Method 2)

Reactant B is gradually added into Tank A at a constant flow rate of v0 until Tank B is emptied (semi-batch operation). Assume the reaction stops at this point. The flow rate, v0, is adjusted such that the final conversion of A is equal to that of Method 1. Note that t(f) varies depending on v0.

Assignment No. 9


Due: 02/12, Fri


1. For an elementary reaction of A→ B→ C,


(a)   Determine CB and tmax  (for CB) in a batch reactor.

(b)  Determine CA, CB, Cc, YB, and SBC in a CSTR as function of t and ki.



2. Problem 6-10 (a), (b), (c)


             Additional question in part (b): Make plots of CB, YB, SBC, and conversion vs. temperature. Note that one can make a plot of any given function using Polymath by putting in a dummy differential equation in the DE section and list a given function in the EE (explicit equation) section.                     


Assignment No. 10


Due: 02/19, Fri


1. The following parallel reactions are taking place in a batch reactor for the duration of 30 minutes.



A → B


A → C


CA0 =1.5 mol/L

k1 = 0.012, k2 = 0.002 min-1 at 300oK

E1 = 6000 cal/mol, E2 = 11000 cal/mol


(a)  The reactor runs isothermally. Find the reaction temperature that will maximize production of B (CB).


(b)  The reactor is now to be operated non-isothermally. We will consider applying a temperature profile that changes linearly with time such that T = a + bt, where a and b are constants and t is reaction time. Find a and b that will maximize the production of B. Explain the difference in answers between part (a) and (b).



2. Problem 6-14 (a), (b), (c)          (20-points)



Assignment No. 11


Due: 02/22, Mon


Problem 8-6  (a) – (d)



Assignment No. 12 


Due: 02/24, Wed


1.      Problem 8-9 (a) – (d) with the following revisions.


Change Ua/ρb to 3.0 (from 0.08) in (a)

Change α value to 0.0075 in (a-3)

                Repeat (a-1) only in (b) and (d)


2.      Problem 8-18


Ignore all the questions of (a)-(j).

Calculate the reactor temperature and conversion. There are more than one solutions. List all the solutions you can find.



Assignment No. 13


Due: 02/26, Fri


Problem 8-12 (a) – (d)



Assignment No. 14


Due: 03/04, Fri

Problem 8-18 (a)-(d), (f), (g)

Question (b) modified: What are the ignition, and extinction temperatures?


Assignment No. 15


Due: 03/09, Wed


1.     The following liquid parallel reaction takes place in a PFR.


A → B,    k1 = 3.2x10-4 (minute)-1 at 300°K

A → C,    k2 = 1.2x10-5 (minute)-1 at 300°K


E1 = 18,000 cal/mol

E2 = 24,000 cal/mol

vo = 2.0 L/min

V= 10L

CAO = 1.0 mol/L

CpA = CpB = Cpc =18.0 cal/mol

Cp coolant = 1 cal/g

HA = 5,000 cal/mol

HB = 1,600 cal/mol

HC = 4,000 cal/mol

Ua = 4.0 cal/min.°K.L

To = Feed temperature = 350°K

Tao = Inlet coolant temperature =310°K



(a)  The PFR is a shell-and-tube type with co-current cooling. Determine the flow rate of coolant (mc, g/minute) that will maximize production of B. Calculate the yield of B and Selectivity (B/C) and conversion of A under this condition.


(b) Determine the mcopt for maximum production of B under the constraint that

YB/A > 0.8


2.     (20-points max.)

The following multiple gas reaction takes place in a CSTR.

       1             2






The reaction is elementary.

Feed: Pure A, PAO = 4 atm, vo = 5 L/minute, To = 300°K Reactor volume = 100 L

k1 = 1.5x10-2,  k2 = 8.9x10-4,  k3B = 2.5x10-4 minute-1 at 300°K

E1 = 5600,  E2 = 6000,  E3 = 7000 cal/mol


(a)            Find the optimum reactor temperature that will maximize production of B.

(b)           Repeat (a ) with a constraint that SCD >1.5

(c)            We now have the following additional information.

CPA = CPB = CPC = 16.0 cal/mol.°K

CPD = 10.0 cal/mol.°K

HA° = 14600 cal mol, HB° = 5500 cal mol, at 298°K

Hc° = 4000 cal mol, HD° = 3000 cal mol, at 298°K

Note that ∆Cp ≠ 0 for reaction No.3.

The reactor runs at 400°K.

Calculate Q (heating or cooling rate).


Assignment No. 16


Due: 03/11, Fri


Problem 9-5 with the following revision.


              kr = 0.002 min-1


Assignment No. 17

Due: 3/21, Mon

Problem 5-6. (a), (b). Use differential and integral linear methods in (a).

Assignment No. 18


Due: 03/23, Wed 


1. Problem 5-9.


Try both differential linear and integral linear methods in part (a).


 2. Problem in CD: P5-GB.  


The oxidation of propene (P) to acrolein (A) was carried out over a Mo-Pr-Bi catalyst [Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, 1419 (1987)].




It has been proposed to correlate the data using the power law model

for the rate law [cf. Equation (5-2)].


                        racrolin = k PpαP02β


The reaction was carried out in a differential reactor with 0.5 g of catalyst at 623 K. From the data below, determine the reaction orders with respect to propene, α, and oxygen, β, and the specific reaction rate, k.




FA=exiting molar flow rate of acroleinmmol/h
PP= entering partial pressure of propene, atm
PO2= entering partial pressure of oxygen, atm

Solve by differential linear and nonlinear method.



Assignment No. 19


Due: 03/25, Fri 


Problem 7-11 (a), (b).              Consult Eq. 7-26



Assignment No. 20


Due: 03/28, Mon


Problem 5-5 (a), (b).      



Assignment No. 21


Due: 04/04, Mon


1.  Show that          

                        where      and L = half the slab thickness


2. Problem 12-6 (a), (b)


Assignment No. 22


Due: 04/06, Wed


1.     Using Polymath, calculate the effectiveness factor for a flat-plate catalyst carrying out a second-order reaction,

where,   = 3.0


2.     Derive a differential equation describing CA vs. r in a long cylindrical catalyst, wherein a first-order reaction is taking place.


a. Put the DE and the boundary conditions into dimensionless form.

b. Calculate the effectiveness factor using Polymath and by the analytical solution (Bessel function solution), where   = 8.0

c. Estimate an approximate effectiveness factor using the flat-plate solution and appropriate value (a universal Thiele modulus).



Assignment No. 23


Due: 04/08, Fri


A catalytic reaction experiment was carried out using a differential reactor packed with spherical catalyst particles. The catalysts were then taken out of the reactor, cut into two pieces (hemi-sphere form), reloaded, and the same experiment was repeated. The data indicate the reaction rate increased by 20% in the second experiment. Estimate the effectiveness factor and the Thiele modulus for the spherical catalyst. Assume first-order reaction.


Assignment No. 24


Due: 04/09, Mon


1.     (5 points): From the class notes of April 8 (the last Equation of Bischoff analysis) prove that

g =      for nth order reaction.



-rA= kn CASn,    g = generalized Thiele modulus for nth order reaction


2. A catalytic elementary gas reaction of 2A → B +C was investigated for diffusion effect using a differential flow reactor under the following conditions.

Amount of catalyst = 50 grams

Spherical catalyst with 0.6 cm diameter

Density of catalyst = 1.6 grams/cm3

De = 1.2x10-4 cm2/sec

Feed: Pure A, P=3 atm, T=350°K, vo = 14 cm3/sec,


The concentration of B (CB) coming out of the differential reactor was measured to be 3.75x10-6 mols/cm3.


(a) Calculate (-rA)obs based on the catalyst volume.


(b) Using one-point method, estimate the effectiveness factor and the rate constant.


Above information is to be used to design a PBR to carry out the following reaction. Feed conditions are the same as above. Reactor is isothermal.


Additional information: FAO = 72 mols/hour

Required conversion = 0.9

α = 1.65x10-5 g-1


(c) Calculate the required amount of catalyst. Plot conversion, y, and η vs. Vcatalyst.


Pay attention to the units in concentration and time: cm3 vs. L, hour vs. s.


Assignment No. 25


Due: 04/15, Fri


Problem 12-16 (a), (b)


Notes: Keep units consistent: all volume units in cm3, time units in seconds. Use linear regression.

The reactor in this problem is a catalytic CSTR with W = 160 g.


Assignment No. 26


Due: 04/20, Wed


Derive the RTD function for two CSTRs connected in series:

V1 = 10 liters, V2 = 20 liters, v0 = 10 liters/ minute.

Make a plot of the RTD.


Prove that   .


Assignment No. 27


Due: 04/22, Fri


Using Polymath, plot RTD function, and calculate τ and σϴ2 for Assignment 26. Repeat for V1 = V2 = 15.


Assignment No. 28



Due: 04/25, Mon


   1. From a tracer test of a continuous reactor, the following data are obtained.

























(a)  Using Excel, estimate τ, sq2, and conversion.


Additional data:

2nd order reaction, k = 0.6 L/mol.minute, CA0 = 1.0 mol/L.


(b) Compare the conversion with those of PFR and CSTR.



2.        Problem 13-19, (a)-(h), (m), (o), (p).  (20 points)


            Use Polymath.



Assignment No. 29



Due: 04/27, Wed


   Problem 14-13, (d)-(g)            (20 points)


Additional notes:


For the sake of uniform answer, take σ2 = 75.4 and τ = 9.93 from the previous HW 13-19.


Note that τ1 = τ2 = τ/2


(d): Ignore open system. Solve by polymath and also by Eq. 14-27, p971                  

(g): Solve by mole balance using Polymath.