Textbook:   Bioprocess Engineering, M. L. Shuler and F. Kargi, 2nd Ed., 2002, Prentice Hall

Instructor and Course Coordinator: Y. Y. Lee

Office: Room 0326-D, Haley Center

Phone: 334-844-2019, Fax: 844-2063
Lab.: Wilmore-157, 162, 844-2034 or 844-2043

Office hours:  2-4 pm, Tue, Thu



Mid-term Test (closed book)  =    200
Homework                                 =   50
Final Exam (closed book)       =    150

         Total  400

*February 9, Thu & March 16, Thu

Final grades are determined on the basis of University Bulletin criteria:

A Superior
B Good / not Superior
C Acceptable / not Good
D Passing / not Acceptable and not Failing
F Failing

Makeup examinations are scheduled only for students having acceptable written excuses.

Homework: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Late homework will not be accepted without a medical excuse or other written university excuse. Instructor’s approval signature is required for the late homework to be graded. Standard format for CHEN Homework is to be used. Credit will be lost for sloppy or unclear work.   

Cancellation/Makeup Classes:



Coverage in the Textbook:

Chapter 1*
Chapter 2-1, 2-2*
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4-1 ~ 4-5
Chapter 5-1 ~ 5-6
Chapter 6
Chapter 7-3, 7-4
Chapter 8-4*
Chapter 9-1 ~ 9-4-3

*Covered primarily by reading assignments.

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