Polymath Program
We will use the Polymath Program in this course. It is a math program, relatively easy to learn. It has several different components: Differential Equation solver, Algebraic Equation solver (linear and non-linear), and a Regression Analysis package.
The Polymath Program (Polymath 6.1 licensed
by CHEN for AY 2010-11) can be downloaded from
The download password will be provided during the first class.
You may also purchase the Polymath package including the manual and additional programs from the Polymath Homepage. (http://www.polymath-software.com/).
For all of the
Polymath based assignments, you are required to submit the program statement
and the graphical and/or tabular results as specified in the problem.
For troubleshooting consult the Support Page (http://www.polymath-software.com/support/) of the Polymath Homepage .
For additional help, look into help files in
the Windows program.
Math Symbols and Functions in Polymath:
addition: +
subtraction: -
multiplication *
division: /
exponentiation: ^ (example, 1.53 = 1.5^3 )
power of 10: 1.2x108 = 1.2e8
ln( ) = natural logarithm
log( ) = base 10 logarithm
abs( ) = absolute value
exp( ), sin( ), cos( )
For more information on Polymath, look into: