Agent-Directed Simulation

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Last Updated: 2004-07-08

Site Maintained by:
Levent Yilmaz
Auburn Modeling and Simulation Laboratory of the M&SNet
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
Auburn University


Applications in Education

(Complete annotated list is located at Thanks to Edmund Chattoe.

Bosker, Roel J. and Guldemond, H. (1994) 'A Hierarchical Simulation Model to Study Educational Interventions', Department of Education, University of Twente, Netherlands.

Boudon, Raymond (1974) Education, Opportunity and Social Inequality: Changing Prospects in Western Society, Wiley Series in Urban Research (New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons).

Clauset, K. H. and Gaynor, A. K. (1982) 'A Systems Perspective on Effective Schools', Educational Leadership, 40(xx), xx, pp. 54-59.

Gouldkreutzer, J. M. (1993) 'System Dynamics in Education - Foreword', System Dynamics Review, 9(2), Summer, pp. 101-112. [*0]

Levin, Gilbert and Roberts, Edward Baer with Hirsch, Gary B., Kligler, Deborah S., Wilder, Jack F. and Roberts, Nancy (1976) The Dynamics of Human Service Delivery (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company).

Mu:ller-Benedict, Volker (1991) Akademikerprognosen und die Dynamik des Hochschulsystems: Eine Statistich-Historische Untersuchung, Campus Forschung Band 660 (Frankfurt/M: Campus).

Mu:ller-Benedict, Volker (1994) 'Die Dynamik des Deutschen Hochschulsystems 1820-1986', Historical Social Research - Historische Sozialforschung, 19(2), xx, pp. 4-32.

Mu:ller-Benedict, Volker (1995) 'Zyklische Soziale Mobilita:t Beim Hochschulzugang: Lehermangel ab dem Jahr 2000?', in Sahner, H. and Schwendtner, S. (eds.) "Gesellschaften im Umbrich": Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the German Society for the Study of Language [Deutsche Gesellschaft fu:r Sprachwissenschaft], Halle, October 1995, two volumes (xx: xx), volume 2, pp. 324-333.

Mu:ller-Benedict, Volker (1999) 'Strukturelle Grenzen Sozialer Mobilita:t: Ein Modell des Mikro-Makro-U:bergangs nach Boudon', Ko:lner Zeitschrift fu:r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 2(xx), xx, pp. 313-338.

Mu:ller-Benedict, Volker (forthcoming 2004) 'Intendierte und Nichtintendierte Folgen von Bildungspolitik: Eine Simulationsstudie u:ber die Sozialstrukturellen Grenzen Politischer Einflussnahme', in Becker, R. and Lauterbach, W. (eds.) Bildung als Privileg? Ursachen von Bildungsungleichheit aus Soziologischer Sicht (Opladen: Leske and Budrich), pp. xx-xx.

Roberts, Nancy (1974) 'A Computer Simulation of Student Performance in the Elementary Classroom', Simulation and Games, 5(3), xx, pp. 265-290.

Roberts, Nancy (1975) 'Parental Influence in the Elementary Classroom: A Computer Simulation', Educational Technology, 15(10), October, pp. 37-42.

Scheerens, Jaap and Bosker, Roel J. (1997) The Foundations of Educational Effectiveness (New York, NY: Pergamon). [PIRS LB2882.75.SCH]

Snijders, T. A. B. and Bosker, Roel J. (1999) Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Multilevel Modelling (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications).

de Vos, Henny (1995) 'Using Simulation to Study School Effectiveness', paper presented at ECER 1995, Bath, 14-17 September.

de Vos, Henny (1996) 'Simulating Learning and School Career of Students', paper presented at the conference ISA Essex '96: Fourth International Social Science Methodology Conference, Colchester, Essex, 1st - 5th July.

de Vos, Henny (1998) Educational Effects: A Simulation-Based Analysis, doctoral thesis, Department of Education, University of Twente, Netherlands.