to Advanced Mobile Robots. Please feel free to offer suggestions for
improving the course and this course web site. If you find a link that might be
of interest to the class, email the URL to me and I might include it on this
Mobile Robots – 2nd Ed.)
Authors' textbook website (includes links to slides) - http://www.mobilerobots.ethz.ch/
Papers we are studying
Paper Code |
Title |
Reference |
Link |
Comments |
(A) Chilian 2009 |
Stereo Camera
Based Navigation of Mobile Robots on Rough Terrain |
Annett Chilian and Heiko Hirschm¨uller The 2009 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems October 11-15,
2009 St. Louis, USA |
(B) Hirsch 2002a |
Correlation-Based Stereo Vision with Reduced Border Errors |
Journal of Computer Vision 47(1/2/3), 229–246, 2002 |
Ref. 5 from paper
(A) |
(C) Hirsch 2002b |
Unconstrained Camera Motion Estimation from Stereo without Tracking and
Robust Statistics |
Heiko Hirschm¨uller, Peter R. Innocent and Jon M.
Garibaldi 7th International
Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2002. ICARCV 2002.
Issue Date: 2-5 Dec. 2002. On page(s): 1099 - 1104 vol.2 |
Ref. 6 from paper
(A) |
(D) |
Optical Flow
Estimation |
David J. Fleet and Yair Weiss (2006). "Optical
Flow Estimation". In Paragios et al.. Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision.
Springer. ISBN 0387263713. |
Ref. 7 from
Wikipedia article on Optical Flow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_flow |
(E) |
Evolution of
Neural Controllers for Robot Navigation in Human Environments |
Journal of Computer
Science 6 (8): 837-843, 2010, ISSN 1549-3636 © 2010 Science Publications |
(F) |
Navigation of a
Mobile Robot on the Temporal Development of the Optic Flow |
Anuj Dev, Ben KrÖse,
Frans Groen, IROS 97, pp.
558-563 |
(G) |
navigation |
Anna R. Bruss and Berthold K. P. Horn, Computer Vision, Graphics,
and Image Processing 21, 3-20
(1983) |
Ref. 1 in paper
(F) |
(H) |
interpretation of a moving retinal image |
H.C. Longuet-Higgins and K. Prazdny,
Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. B 208,
1980, 358-397 |
Ref. 9 in paper
(G) |
(I) |
A Biological
Inspired Visual Landmark Recognition Architecture |
Quoc Do; Jain, L, Digital Image Computing:
Techniques and Applications, 2009. DICTA '09 |
attention ART neural net used for navigation using visual landmarks. |
(J) |
Outdoor Visual
Path Following Experiments |
Albert Diosi, Anthony Remazeilles, Siniˇsa ˇSegvi´c and Francois Chaumette, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/RSJ InternationalConference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, CA, USA, Oct 29 - Nov 2, 2007 |
Video 1 (5 MB) Video 2 (50 MB) |
Related to HW 4
and HW 5 Diosi’s web page Follow-on paper in IEEE
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, September
2011 |
(K) |
A Combined Corner
and Edge Detector |
Chris Harris & Mike Stephens, In Proceedings of the Alvey Vision Conference, pages 147–152, 1988 |
Ref. 5 in paper
(J) |
(L) |
Good features to
Track |
Jianbo Shi and Carlo Tomasi.. In CVPR’94, pp.
593–600, 1994 |
MATLAB code for Eq. 1 |
Ref. 16 in paper
(J) |
(M) |
Real-time feature
tracking and outlier rejection with changes in illumination |
H. Jin, P. Favaro, and S. Soatto.
Real-time feature tracking and outlier rejection with changes in
illumination. In ICCV, volume 1, pp 684–689, 2001. |
Ref. 6 in paper
(J) |
(N) |
Local Invariant
Feature Detectors: A Survey |
T. Tuytelaars and K. Mikolajczyk,
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision Vol. 3, No. 3 (2007)
177–280 DOI: 10.1561/0600000017 |
PDF (104 pages) |
(O) |
A Model of
Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis |
Laurent Itti, Christof Koch, and Ernst Niebur, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, Vol. 20, No. 11, November 1998 |
Ref. 94 in paper
(N) |
(P) |
The Quest for
Artificial Intelligence - A History of Ideas and Achievements |
Nils J. Nilsson, Stanford
University, Web Version. http://ai.stanford.edu/~nilsson/QAI/qai-webpage.html |
(Q) |
hierarchical POMDPs for autonomous robot navigation |
Amalia Foka , Panos Trahanias Robotics and Autonomous
Systems 55 (2007) 561–571 |
(R) |
Unfreezing the
Robot: Navigation in Dense, Interacting Crowds |
Peter Trautman
and Andreas Krause The 2010 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems October 18-22, 2010,
Taipei, Taiwan |
(S) |
Markov Vision |
Andrew Blake |
(T) |
Fast, Cheap And
Out Of Control: A Robot Invasion Of The Solar System |
Rodney A. Brooks And Anita
M. Flynn, Journal of The British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 42, pp 478-485,
1989 |
Basis for the documentary
Fast, Cheap And Out Of Control |
(U) |
Motion Capture
Using Joint Skeleton Tracking and Surface Estimation |
J., Stoll C., de Aguiar E., Theobalt
C., Rosenhahn B., and Seidel H.-P., IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'09), 2009. |
page with video and code links Corresponding paper |
(V) |
Visual Odometery Tutorial |
Part I: The First 30 Years and Fundamentals, by Davide Scaramuzza and Friedrich Fraundorfer - IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine • December 2011, pp. 80-92. Part II: Matching, Robustness, Optimization, and Applications, by Friedrich Fraundorfer and Davide Scaramuzza - IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine • June 2012, pp 78 – 90. |
(W) |
A real-time
algorithm for mobile robot mapping with applications to multi-robot and 3D
mapping |
Thrun, S.; Burgard, W.; Fox, D. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2000, v. 1, pp. 321-328 |
W.1 EM algorithm lecture
notes 2004 W.2 Original paper on
EM Ref. 9 in W.1, 1977. |
(X) |
RANGE - Robust
Autonomous Navigation in GPS-denied Environments |
Bachrach, et al., Journal of Field Robotics 2011 |
(Y) |
A Frontier-Based
Approach for Autonomous Exploration |
Brian Yamauchi, Proc. of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Automation, CIRA, 1997, pages 146–151 |
Ref. in Paper (X) Related pubs: ·
Adam Ray, M.S.
Thesis, Auburn University, 2005 ·
Y.1 Burgard ICRA 2000 (Ref. 49 in Adam Ray’s MS Thesis) |
(Z) |
Issues and
approaches in the design of collective autonomous agents |
Maja J. Mataric, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16 (1995) 321-331. |
PDF – as
published by Elsevier (slightly easier to read, but poor figure quality) PDF – from author’s
website – original figure quality |
Ref. 31 in Adam
Ray’s MS thesis |
Path photos 1 – 9 zipped and
.robo file used to extract path (optimized for p1)
Spring 12
HW assignment, photos, results – Navigation of path in Town Creek park – zip file
RANSAC toolbox for MATLAB on Github (Marco
Mechanics $100 robot project from Feb. 12 issue
from Stereo – PPT slides
Camera Calibration
Toolkit for MATLAB link
swarm – GRASP lab video
From 60 Minutes Sunday Jan. 13, 2013 – Rodney Brooks and Robot Waltzes
About the movie Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control