LaTeX is an excellent software package for technical writing in engineering and mathematics. A convenient front end for LaTeX is LyX, a freely available WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) editor. A LaTeX mailing list on campus is <tex-users AT eng DOT auburn DOT edu> (sign up at

1. Tutorials and background

Google search for latex tutorial, or you can click on the links below:

2. Related software packages

2.1. LaTeX installation, editors and front ends

2.2. Bibliography managers

2.3. Conversion to and from MS Word

3. Prosper

Prosper is a LaTeX style add-on that permits users to use LaTeX and Acrobat Reader in much the same way one would use PowerPoint. I've used the package and find it very convenient.

4. Auburn

Here are some local resources that you may find useful if you use LaTeX/

5. Questions and answers

See the LaTeX Questions and Answers page. You should read the tutorials above first.

LaTeX (last edited 2007-06-14 15:59:52 by HodelAS)