Lab Make-Up Procedure
If you miss a lab or have already missed a lab or need to miss a lab:
- Contact Dr. Reeves immediately. If there is another lab
section meeting after yours, it may be possible to make up the lab
easily by attending another section.
- Submit to Dr. Reeves in writing a short explanation of why you
missed the lab. Include your section number and the date of the
lab that you missed. You can submit this by email to
- Dr. Reeves will consider your reasons and respond to you by email
with his decision. Labs may in some cases be made up by completing
a reading or individual lab assignment and submitting a memo. Check
your email frequently after you submit your request. You may be required
to meet with another lab section right away.
- Dr. Reeves reserves the right to assign you no credit for the lab
if your excuse does not conform to a legitimate university excuse as
described in the Tiger Cub under Academic Regulations.
- In general, you have 48 hours to submit a lab make-up request to
Dr. Reeves after the lab meeting time of the lab you missed; after this,
all make-up requests will be refused unless there are compelling
circumstances requiring a delay in the request.
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