- Be on time and participate in the online lab.
- Labs are worth 10 points each—3 points for participation and 7 points for the memo.
- Late arrivals will lose participation points: 1 point for 5 minutes late, 2 for 15 minutes late, and 3 for 30 or more minutes late.
- Turn in memos on time.
- Lab memos must be written in a word processor and saved to PDF to be turned in. (You can download the PDFCreator printer here. Uncheck the toolbar option on installation to avoid the ad-ware.)
- Late submissions will not be accepted.
- The memo should begin with the following format:
Subject: Your last name, first name — Lab # (e.g., Doe, John — Lab 1)
To: Dr. Reeves
- Answer all questions listed in the homework section of each lab assignment.
- Do not label or bullet the answers with numbers or letters like 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c.
- Answer each numbered question or questions in one paragraph separate from the other answers.
- Your answer to each question should be stated so that it stands alone and makes sense without referring to the lab instructions.
- Figures, diagrams, tables, and code should be included in the memo, not submitted as separate pages.
- Partial credit will be given.
- Submit your homework in the appropriate assignment in Canvas.
- If multiple files must be submitted, you can upload them together.