"What one thing would you tell the students in future ENGR 1110 classes to help them have a better learning experience?"
Do it now!! Start Early!! Start testing with what you know.
Be involved in your group.
Have Fun !!
Make it fun.
Read the assignments.
Learn your circuit stuff.
Remember that each lab you do will be a building block towards the final product of your car.
Use your imagination with your car.
Your lab partners will either be a blessing or a curse.
Test every fault of your design.
Don't Procrastinate !!
Test your car many times.
Have Fun.
Do not wait till the last minute.
Don't let your team down.
Don't procrastinate. Take quizzes seriously.
Do the homework. Look over slides for quizzes = A.
Try to do all the labs on your own. If you work in a group pay attention.
Start Early.
Work as a group.
Make sure your car works when you walk into the competition.
Start your car early.
Don't do engineering.
Be open and listen to Dr. Reeves. He knows what he's talking about.
Get all the homework done as soon as it is assigned. It may be easy to work, but it takes up enough time to interfere with other work.
Keep an open mind.
No last minute changes in design.
To try to communicate with your group members. Try to communicate their concepts and yours at same time.
Do the reading assignments.
You will get a B because his grading system sucks.
Make sure to finish the labs and save them. You will need them later.
Ask the GTA's lots of questions !!
Start building your car early !!
Bond as a group. It Helps !!
Read the assignments in the book.
Start early.
Develop a system for recording all the lab experimentation. This is very important and will be useful.
Work as a team and respect one another.
Save everything you do in the labs.
Take note of all the labs and try to understand them all.
Do not procrastinate. Try not to oversleep. Dress up for the presentation. Rehearse.
If you have a good design that no one else is using, do not take it to the lab to practice. Everyone else will steal your idea.
If you pay attention in the labs, everything else makes sense and the project is easy. Experiment above all else.
The design you enter the competition with, ought to be the design that you use for all 3 runs. Don't change it at the last minute !!
Make sure you know what you are doing in the labs. The GTA's are not too helpful in labs.
Test everything twice in the lab when working on the design project.
Test, Test, Test. Go do things with your teammates that have nothing to do with the class.
Pay attention to the labs and how they relate to the design.
More hands on interaction with TA's.