Syllabus Acknowledgement Form

Chemical Engineering Department
Auburn University
Dr. Placek


In order to provide information that is both highly accessible and current, I am providing course syllabus information to all my classes over the web. These links will be updated frequently (especially those regarding homework assignments) so it is your responsibility to read the appropriate pages as necessary. The information describing course policies is provided in accordance with university publications.

In order to acknowledge being made aware of these policies and the contents of the associated webpages, please fill out the form below and submit it by pressing the "submit" button. If for some reason, the submission does not work, print this form and turn it in at the next class meeting.

What course are you responding to?

What term are you enrolled for?

Provide the following information:

   Last Name         

   First Name        

   Student Id         

   E-mail Address    

Student Identifier

Note: The "student identifier" is an arbitrarily selected string used to allow posting of information without revealing your identity.
I acknowledge reading all course policies pertaining to the class indicated above. Further, I acknowledge that I understand the consequences for not following these course policies. These policies are provided in the oneline course syllabus and course daily schedule. I agree to be held responsible for any changes/additions/deletions to these policies which are communicated to the class should such changes be deemed necessary by the instructor.
Note: Please make sure all information is correct before Submitting or hit Clear Form to start over.


Comments or problems: Contact Dr. Timothy D. Placek
All Pages Copyright 2012 by Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849

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