Lamba, J., A.M. Thompson, K.G. Karthikeyan, J. Panuska, and L. Good. 2016. Effect of Best Management Practice Implementation on Sediment and Phosphorus Load Reductions at Subwatershed and Watershed Scale using SWAT model. International Journal of Sediment Research. doi:
Lamba, J., A.M. Thompson, K.G. Karthikeyan, and Faith A. Fitzpatrick. 2015. Sources of Fine Sediment Stored in Agricultural Lowland Streams, Midwest, USA. Geomorphology. 236(0):44- 53.
Lamba, J., T.R. Way, P. Srivastava, and D. B. Watts. 2015. A method for Subsurface-Banding Poultry Litter in Plots Not Accessible with Conventional Field Equipment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 31(4): 555-558.
Lamba, J., K.G. Karthikeyan, and A.M. Thompson. 2015. Apportionment of Suspended Sediment Sources in an Agricultural Watershed Using Sediment Fingerprinting. Geoderma. 239–240 (0):25-33.
Lamba, J., K.G. Karthikeyan, and A.M. Thompson. 2015. Using Radiometric Fingerprinting and Phosphorus to Elucidate Sediment Transport Dynamics in an Agricultural Watershed. Hydrological Processes. 29(12): 2681-2693.
Huisman, N.L.H., K.G. Karthikeyan, J. Lamba, A.M. Thompson, and G. Peaslee. 2013. Quantification of Seasonal Sediment and Phosphorus Transport Dynamics in an Agricultural Watershed Using Radiometric Fingerprinting Techniques. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 13(10): 1724-1734.
Lamba, J., P. Srivastava, T.R. Way, S. Sen, C.W. Wood, and K. Yoo. 2013. Nutrient Loss in Leachate and Surface Runoff from Surface-Broadcast and Subsurface-Banded Broiler Litter. Journal of Environmental Quality. 42(5): 1574-1582.
Lamba, J., T.R. Way, P. Srivastava, S. Sen, C.W. Wood, and K. Yoo. 2012. Surface Transport of Nutrients From Surface-Broadcast and Subsurface-Banded Broiler Litter. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(3): 995-1002.
Way, T.R., J. Lamba, and P. Srivastava. 2011. A method for Installing Zero-Tension Pan and Wick Lysimeters in Soil. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 27(5): 747-755.
Sen, S., T. Way, P. Srivastava, J. Lamba, and M. Kent Stanford. 2010. Water Quality Benefits of Subsurface-Banded Poultry Litter. (September 2010).