(Chris McGee) sent the following
Hello, I would like to thank you for your informative web page.
We are constructing a similar terminal server except for Linux. 

If you are interested, a couple of minor modifications had to 
be made. First, tip doesn't seem to be available for Linux 
(that I have found) so I was able to use cu from the uucp 
package as a substitute.

On the Linux box I changed /etc/inittab to create one X-Windows
session as a special user who has no password upon startup.

I made just a small modification to your script:

(a line from your check script):
    sname=`screen -ls | egrep "$1   " | cut -f2`

(modified line)
    sname=`screen -ls | egrep "$1   " | egrep "Attach|Detach" | cut -f2`

I found at least on my Linux box that it would pull up three
or four different lines that would end up being passed to sname
so I just added an extra egrep to only pull out the line with
"Attach" or "Detach".

And, of course, serial port cards for Linux had to be used instead
of SBus versions. Kernels had to be compiled, etc....

Anyway, these were my results. I hope you found them interesting.
If youare interested in more concise info on this system. Just let
me know.
