Personal Information:
Birthday: June 11th
Hometown: Hyderabad, India
Education Information:
- University of Dayton (M.S. Aerospace Engineering) - Dayton, Ohio - 2008
- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering) - Hyderabad, India - 2004
- Kendriya Vidyalaya - Hyderabad, India - 1999
Teaching Assistantship with the Aerospace Department at Auburn University since August 2008
Research Assistantship with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Dayton January 2007 to May 2008
Assistant Professor with Institute of Aeronautical Engineering handling Aerodynamics and Engineering Drawing for the period of October 2004 to May 2005
Recipient of the 'Diversity Program of the Year 2009 -07' at University of Dayton
Nomination for the emerging leader of the year 2006 at the University of Dayton
Koehler Award in the year 2006 at University of Dayton
Best question at the Astro-physics seminar on the eve of golden jubilee celebrations of Indian independence at IICT
Runner-up at the ICS (Informatic Computer Systems)
President Indian Students Association 2006-07 at University of Dayton
Worked with American Cancer Society (ACS) for Cancer Fund Raise
Student Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Founder and President Student Technical Association (STA) at college
Captain Co-curricular Activities in high school
Conference Presentations
A. Bichal, A. Altman, "Comparative Study of Three Flow Diagnostic Techniques Applied To a Nearbody Flowfield" 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 5-8 January 2009, Reno, Nevada.
A. M. Briones, S. Stouffer, A. Bichal, H. Kang, A. Altman, E. Corporan, V. Belovich, "Aspiration Efficiencies of a Soot-Particulate Sampling Probe with Dilution Under Gas Turbine Conditions," 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 21-23 July 2008, Hartford, CT
H. Kang, A. Bichal, A. Altman, "Aerodynamic Effects of End Plates on Biplane Wings," 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 7-10 January 2008, Reno, Nevada.
FormulaOne Racing, playing Wii, ping pong, PIV, etc.