
Friday, March 14, 2025





 Membership Information  



For information on how to join the AU Chapter of TAPPI-PIMA please contact either the current TAPPI-PIMA president or Mrs. Barbara Michael at the Alabama Center for Paper and Bioresource Engineering at (334) 844-2016.

 About TAPPI  




TAPPI is the leading technical association for the worldwide pulp, paper, and converting industry.  Founded in 1915, TAPPI has grown into the world's largest professional association serving the pulp, paper, and converting industries. TAPPI's 23,000 individual members look to the association for information, education, and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

TAPPI provides its members rapid access to:

  • the largest international group of technically experienced people in the industry

  • the most comprehensive collection of reliable technical information and knowledge in the industry

  • the highest quality products and services created to meet the needs of people who solve technical problems in the industry.


More than 85 years later TAPPI remains a growing, vibrant society embracing new technology and looking forward to the future. As a professional technical society, TAPPI is in a unique position to offer a wide array of information, products, services, and knowledge-sharing opportunities unparalleled in the paper and related industries. TAPPI provides value to members and others in the industry through the following products and services: Journals and Magazines; Conferences and Symposia; Trade Fairs and Exhibitions; Short Courses, Company Classroom, and Online Learning; TAPPI PRESS Publications, Public Outreach Programs, Technical Division and Community Activities, Test Methods and Technical Information Papers, and our comprehensive website,

Information courtesy of

About PIMA  





The American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents Management Association, known today as PIMA, was established in 1919 in Appleton, Wisconsin. It was founded by a group of 40 pulp and paper mill superintendents who wanted to improve themselves, their firms and their industry by sharing their expertise and experience as managers.

Although there were organizations at the time that addressed management issues and techniques, as well as those that specialized in pulp and paper technology and equipment, papermakers needed PIMA.

Established to serve the specific needs of mill management, PIMA offered industry professionals the chance to share various points of view and experiences from different geographical regions and various corporate cultures, physical facilities and product lines.

PIMA's goal to maintain a strong and profitable industry by continually improving the management skills of its managers is the same today as it was in 1919. While PIMA as we know it today has changed and grown over the years, it has stayed consistent with its mission:

  • To contribute to the strength of the North American pulp and paper industry by providing the means for its members to address issues of relevance to the industry and to develop their management and leadership skills.

This is important, because we believe that well-managed employees will: develop better work methods, improve quality, operate more safely, provide better service, be responsible environmentally, develop more economical processes, products and new markets, and actively contribute to the organization's success.

PIMA also believes that suppliers are an integral part of association membership and involvement. As a result, two kinds of membership have evolved over the years, one for mill members and another for suppliers (affiliates). PIMA believes that each group contributes to and helps the other make a healthy, progressive pulp and paper industry.


PIMA believes papermakers at all levels contribute to the industry's success. Workers today are better informed than ever before. They work with technology and understand economics. They want to be informed about the business and want to assume a role in its progress.

Sophisticated people such as these need managers who can lead them effectively. And these mangers, in turn, need a forum where they can share experiences, as well as successes and failures, with others to better prepare them for their jobs. PIMA recognizes that "managers" are not just those individuals with that title, but those who are responsible for "managing," regardless of title. This includes staff managers working on the line and anyone who participates in and contributes to a team's success.

This commitment to providing growth opportunities and forums where industry professionals come together to share ideas and experiences is what PIMA's founding fathers envisioned in 1919. PIMA is still dedicated to that goal.

Information courtesy of



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