Mechanical engineering professor honored by Auburn for research and scholarship
Hareesh Tippur, McWane Professor, associate chair for graduate studies, is among the outstanding faculty members Auburn University will honor for their contributions to the institution’s instruction, research and outreach mission at the university’s annual Faculty Awards on Nov. 5.
“Auburn is extremely fortunate to have such outstanding faculty,” said Bill Hardgrave, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. “Their groundbreaking, collaborative and impactful efforts continue to advance our mission and amplify Auburn’s reputation as a top institution for faculty success.”
This year’s honorees include:
Creative Research and Scholarship Award
The Creative Research and Scholarship Award recognizes faculty members who have distinguished themselves through research, scholarly works and creative contributions. This award recognizes two categories: sciences, medical sciences, engineering and agriculture; and fine arts, liberal arts, architecture and design, business, and social and human sciences.
Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Agriculture category
Hareesh Tippur, McWane Professor, associate chair for graduate studies, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Architecture and Design, Business, Social and Human Sciences category
Rusty Smith, associate professor and associate director, Rural Studio, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture, Design and Construction
Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Awards
The Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award recognizes the outstanding teaching of undergraduates from nominations made by department heads, deans, alumni and students. A committee of retired faculty members selects the recipients.
Eric Wetzel, assistant professor of building science, McWhorter School of Building Science, College of Architecture, Design and Construction
Jennifer “Jen” Robinson, associate professor of psychology and director of the Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences Program, College of Liberal Arts
Stewart Schneller, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Auburn University Award for Excellence in Faculty Outreach
The Award for Excellence in Faculty Outreach honors the engagement of exemplary faculty members and demonstrates the tremendous impact outreach has on our community, state, nation and beyond.
Scott Kramer, Atlanta Alumni Professor, McWhorter School of Building Science, College of Architecture, Design and Construction
Departmental Award for Excellence in Education
Created in 2013, the Departmental Award for Excellence in Education recognizes the efforts of departmental faculty members for their commitment to improving education at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and the University Senate Teaching Effectiveness Committee administer this award on behalf of the Office of the Provost.
Department of Theatre, College of Liberal Arts
Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lectureship
The Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lectureship Award recognizes a faculty member based on excellence in research. It is co-sponsored by the Auburn Alumni Association and the Graduate School.
Russell B. Muntifering, professor of ruminant nutrition, College of Agriculture
Gerald and Emily Leischuck Endowed Presidential Awards for Excellence in Teaching
Gerald and Emily Leischuck, 1964 graduates and retired Auburn administrators, created the Endowed Presidential Awards for Excellence in Teaching in 2005. This award recognizes two full-time, tenured faculty members who have demonstrated effective and innovative teaching methods, along with a continued commitment to student success through advising and mentoring.
Paul Cobine, professor of biological sciences, College of Science and Mathematics
Carey E. Andrzejewski, associate professor, College of Education
President's Outstanding Collaborative Units Award
Created in 2011, the award recognizes existing faculty collaborations among two or more departments, divisions, offices or programs within the university. To be considered, the work of the collaborative units must have advanced the excellence, impact and reputation of representing units and the university as a whole.
Drew Frugé, assistant professor and director of didactic program in dietetics, College of Human Sciences
Emily Myers, associate clinical professor, College of Liberal Arts
Jeanna Sewell, assistant clinical professor, Harrison School of Pharmacy
Jean Dubois, clinical professor, School of Nursing
Kathy Jo Ellison, professor, School of Nursing
Sarah Watts, assistant professor, School of Nursing
Glenn Nordehn, associate dean for Inter-Professional Education and Faculty Development and Discipline Chair for Care for Rural and Medically Underserved Populations, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine-Auburn
Provost Award for Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Established in 2012, this award recognizes faculty members who demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate research and outstanding services to students and whose efforts support Auburn students interested in careers in research and creative work.
Kathryn Floyd, associate professor of art history, College of Liberal Arts
Research and Economic Development Advisory Board Advancement of Research and Scholarship Achievement Award
Created to recognize high-quality, competitive research and scholarly activity, the Advancement of Research and Scholarship Award recognizes exceptional efforts to advance Auburn's research and scholarship mission.
Rex Dunham, professor, School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, College of Agriculture
This marks the thirteenth year of Auburn University’s Faculty Awards Program. More information about the awards, including a list of previous winners, is available on the Auburn Faculty Awards website.
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