Implementation Resources

Balanced Mix Design (BMD)

Balanced Mix Design (BMD) is an innovative asphalt mix approach that uses performance testing to ensure durability and resistance to cracking and rutting. By considering traffic, climate, and pavement structure, BMD optimizes pavement longevity and performance. This method enhances pavement quality and addresses the limitations of traditional volumetric mix design systems.



Density is crucial in asphalt pavement construction, directly affecting durability and performance. Optimal density ensures maximum compaction, enhancing resistance to deformation and water infiltration. Proper density management extends pavement lifespan and minimizes maintenance costs.


Longitudinal Joints

Longitudinal joints are seams between adjacent asphalt lanes and are the most vulnerable part the pavement. Proper and compaction are crucial to prevent cracking and raveling, which can compromise pavement integrity. Effective practices ensure the longevity and performance of both highway and airfield pavements.

Longitudinal Joints