Student-Defined Research

Recipients of the 2022 ICAMS Student Defined Research Awards included Ajay Jayswal, Catherine Wittekind, and Julio Jimenez Sarda.

ICAMS aims to assist small and medium-sized manufacturers in the U.S. improve the adoption of advanced technologies associated with Industry 4.0 or Smart Manufacturing. A large part of this mission includes improving the skills of the next generation of engineers to take full advantage of those technologies, and the ICAMS Student Defined Research Awards will help fulfill that mission. ICAMS will release a call for undergraduate and graduate research proposals focused on advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 annually. Awardees will receive a paid research position for the year of their research and support for the research with faculty advising, materials, machine time, tuition waivers for graduate students, and travel support for presenting their findings at an appropriately themed conference.

Year Name Major UG/G Graduated Topics
2025-2026 McMeen, Chelsea ISE Ph.D. Dynamic Isopleth Generation for Mapping Occupational Exposures
2024-2025 Jimenez Sarda, Julio  ISE Ph.D. Help from above: Manufacturing Using Drones
Shrestha Rupesh, Bade ISE Ph.D. Materials handling in manufacturing with robots and drones
2023-2024 Jimenez Sarda, Julio   ISE Ph.D. Help from above: Manufacturing Using Drones
2022-2023 Jimenez Sarda, Julio ISE Ph.D. Help from above: Manufacturing Using Drones
Jayswal, Ajay  ME Ph.D. 05/2023 Manufacturing, characterization, and computational analysis of composite filaments for additive manufacturing of fabrics
Wittekind, Catherine ISE Bachelor 05/2023 Investigating scanning systems and coordinate measurement for different part characteristics