Past Courses
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 8420 Detection & Estimation Theory
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 8420 Detection & Estimation Theory
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Summer: ELEC 3400
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7970 Statistical Signal Processing with Sparsity
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7440 Wireless Communication Theory
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 8420 Detection & Estimation Theory
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Summer: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Spring: ELEC 2120 Linear Signals & Systems Analysis, ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Fall: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Summer: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems
Spring: ELEC 3400 Communication Systems, ELEC 8420 Detection & Estimation Theory
Fall: ELEC 5100 Wireless Communication Systems, ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 7440 Wireless Communication Theory
Fall: ELEC 5100 Wireless Communication Systems
Summer: None
Spring: ELEC 7410 Stochastic Signal and System Analysis
Author: Jitendra K. Tugnait:
Date of latest revision: mon dec 18 2023