Invited Talks
- “Mobile and Wireless Internet and ITSUMO,” N. Rama Rao Distinguished Lecture Series, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, (January 10, 2003)
- “Mobile Computing in Next Generation Wireless Networks,” Third International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications, (August 20, 1999), Seattle, WA.
- “Mobile and Wireless ATM Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Silver Springs, MD, (October 16, 1996).
- “SWAN: Seamless Wireless ATM Network”, Wireless ATM Networking Workshop - State of the Art and Beyond, Columbia University, New York, NY, (June 14, 1996).
- “SWAN: Seamless Wireless ATM Network,” Workshop on Wireless Multi-Media Communications, King's College, London, U.K., (February 1996).
- “Emerging Technologies for Electronic Design and Test,” Plenary Talk, International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, Cambridge MA, (October 1994).
- “Parallel Processing and VLSI Simulation,” European Simulation Multiconference York. U.K., (June 1992).
- “Heavily Pipelined and Parallel Architectures for VLSI CAD,” University of Illinois Urbana, IL, (Distinguished Lecturer Series, Coordinated Sciences Laboratory) (September 1990).
- “Synergism of Architecture and Algorithms: The MARS VLSI System, “ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, Sixth MIT Conference or Advanced Research in VLSI, (April 1990).
- “Prediction of Number of Remaining Errors in VLSI Designs,” IEEE Computer Elements Workshop on VLSI Debug, Diagnosis, and Fabrication, New York, NY May 17-18, 1984.