PerRoad: AC Temperature Adjustment
The AC modulus
for each season can be predicted from the asphalt performance grade and the mean
seasonal air temperature. The
following computational steps are performed automatically in PerRoad.
MMPT = mean seasonal pavement temperature, F
MMAT = mean seasonal air temperature, F
z = depth in pavement structure, in. (in
PerRoad, the depth at the upper 1/3 of the given pavement layer is calculated)
Witczak, M.W., “Design of Full Depth
Asphalt Airfield Pavements,” Proceedings, Vol. I, Third International Conference
on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, 1972.
Next, the pavement temperature is used in the appropriate
equation to determine the HMA stiffness (EHMA)
based upon the asphalt performance grade.
The equation below is used and the particular
coefficients are shown in the table.
Priest, A.L., “Calibration of Fatigue Transfer Functions
for Mechanistic-Empirical Flexible Pavement Design,” M.S. Thesis, Auburn
University, 2005.
**Interpolated from 70+ and 52-
Alvarez, C. and M.R. Thompson.
“Mechanistic-Empirical Evaluation of the Mn/Road Mainline Flexible Pavement
Sections,” Project IHR-535, Illinois Cooperative Highway and Transportation
Research Program, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1998.
All equations
are limited to range between 50,000 and 4,000,000 psi.
The figure below illustrates the equations.