Description: Samuel Ginn Template Heading

Selected Honors and Awards

·  Outstanding Faculty Member 2008 (Computer Science and Software Engineering Department), Auburn University.

·  Outstanding Faculty Member 2006 (Computer Science and Software Engineering Department), Auburn University.

·  Best Paper Award, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, July 2008.

·  Fulbright Excellence Scholarship (1995-1999).

·  Four year paid leave for outstanding contribution to the Ecole Supérieure of Technologie, (8/95-7/99).

·  Selected by NSF to show case the REU program on Capitol Hill in Washington (Spring 2005).

·  Award in Recognition of Contribution (12/2001), Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane(AUI), Morocco.

·  Member of the Academic Advisory Council of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, 2000-2001.

·  Member of the Faculty Evaluation Committee School of Science and Engineering (AUI).

·  Member of the Board of the Ecole Supérieure de Technologie in Fès, Morocco.





Selected Professional Activities

·  Invited keynote speaker for the 2012 International Conference on Image and Signal Processing

·  Member of the NSF Committee of Visitors to assess Computer Network Systems Division, March 27-28 2006

·  NSF panelist (Cyber Infrastructure, SBIR, IT SBIR, Computing and Communications Foundations, REU)

·  Technical Co-Chair, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'08), Marrakech, Morocco, July 2008.

·  Editorial Board member of the International Journal on Mobile Communications (2001-present)

·  ACM Computer Communication Review (2004-2007)

·  Chair, 44th Annual Symposium on Simulation, Orlando, FL, March 2012.

·  Chair, 43rd Annual Symposium on Simulation, Boston, MA, April 2011

·  Chair, 42nd Annual Symposium on Simulation, Orlando, FL, April 2010

·  Chair, 41st Annual Symposium on Simulation, San Diego, CA, March 2009

·  Publication chair Workshop on Wireless Security (WISE) 2002-2006